Elvis Birthplace

Elvis Aaron Presley was born in Tupelo on January 8, 1935. His parents were Vernon and Gladys Presley. His father, grandfather and uncle built the small, white two-room house.
Elvis grew up in Tupelo surrounded by his extended family including his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
Today there is a museum.

Elvis Birthplace


Name of the Roadside Attraction: Elvis Birthplace
Parking:yes, several parking spots
Time required:1-2 hours
Descripton:Elivis was born in this small house in Tupelo
Next town:Tupelo
Findable:easy in town
Fee area:yes - check on website
Giftshop: yes
Food or drinks: yes
Kind of attraction: Museum
Best time to vistit: all year

   How to find

Address: 306 Elvis Presley Dr, Tupelo, MS 38801, USA
Directions: Follow Highway 45 in Toledo. Exit right on Heritage Propane (179). Tale a right turn on Elvis Presley Drive.
Opening Hours: 9-5:30 (May - September) 9-5 (October - April)
Last visited: November 2016

