Turnbridge Church

The church was built in 1915 by Norwegian settlers. the church closed after 1988.
If open you can go inside but be respectful and careful.
Sometimes the lock of the fence is closed.

Turnbridge Church


Name of the Roadside Attraction: Turnbridge Church
Parking:in front
Time required:20 minutes
Descripton:Old norwegian church, but still in good condition
Next town:Rugby, ND
Findable:off main Highway - Dirtroad
Fee area:no
Giftshop: no
Food or drinks: no
Kind of attraction: Roadside (old Church)
Best time to vistit: not in winter (snow)

   How to find

Address: 6431 24th Ave NE, Rugby, ND 58368, USA
Directions: From Rugby, ND follw Highway 2 westbound. After 5 miles tund left on the dirtroad 24th Ave. Follow for 1/2 mile.
Opening Hours: 24/7
Last visited: April 2017

