Paul Bunyan - Brainherd Lakes Welcome Center

In front of the Welcome center sits an 11 1/2 ft tall statue of Paul Bunyan. The new fiberglass statue was created by local artist Josh Porter and donated by Dutch and Irma Cragun.

Paul Bunyan sitting


Name of the Roadside Attraction: Paul Bunyan sitting
Parking:yes, several parking spots
Time required:10 Minutes
Descripton:He is sittng in front oft the Welcome Center
Next town:Brainerd, MN
Findable:easy - next to the road
Fee area:no - open for puplic
Giftshop: yes
Food or drinks: yes (Snacks)
Kind of attraction: Mufflerman (Paul Bunyan)
Best time to vistit: all year (in wintertime snow)

   How to find

Address: Paul Bunyan - Brainerd Lakes Welcome Center
Directions: Right on Hwy 371 from Little Falls to Brainerd.
Opening Hours: 9-5 (closed on sundays)
Last visited: April 2017