Paul Bunyan's Sweetheart Lucette

In Hackensack, close by Birch Lake stands Lucille, Paul Bunyans Sweetheart. People always want to know: who is she?
What’s her story? She’s Lucette: During logging days she came. She worked in Ole’s logging camp and gained eternal fame. She was Paul Bunyan’s sweetheart… also loved by the blue ox. Don’t miss her on the road trip through Minnesota.

Paul Bunyans Sweetheart Lucette


Name of the Roadside Attraction: Paul Bunyans Sweetheart Lucette
Parking:yes, several parking spots
Time required:20 minutes
Descripton:She was a female lumberjack.
Next town:Brainherd, MN
Findable:easy in town
Fee area:no
Giftshop: no
Food or drinks: no
Kind of attraction: Mufflerman (Paul Bunyan)
Best time to vistit: all year

   How to find

Address: 110 Lake Ave, Hackensack, MN 56452, USA
Directions: Follow 371 from Brainerd to Bemidji
Opening Hours: 24/7
Last visited: April 2017

