Ice Cone Corey - Montpelier

The Corey in Montpelier stands in front of the Covered Bridge Gallery of Fine Gifts and the Tin Lizzy Ice Cream Shop. It’s on the corner of Highway 3 and Highway 18.

The place is long closed but the statue is still there.

He holds an ice cream cone in his hands, but the top of the ice cream cone is broken off.

Ice Cone Corey - Montpelier


Name of the Roadside Attraction: Ice Cone Corey - Montpelier
Parking:in front
Time required:10 Minutes
Descripton:Aged Giant
Next town:Motpelier, IN - Muncie, IN
Findable:easy - next to the road
Fee area:no fee
Giftshop: no
Food or drinks: no
Kind of attraction: Roadside Attraction
Best time to vistit: all year

   How to find

Address: Highway 18/ Highway 3 - Montpelier, IN
Directions: From Munice, IN drive on Highway 3 for 26 miles
Opening Hours: 24/7
Last visited: September 2019

