Mr Lumberjack - Muncie

Mr. Lumberjack is over 19 foot tall and was manufactured for the Kirby Wood Lumber Co. in Muncie in the mid 1960s. At that point he was wearing a red plaid shirt. Some time later, he was relocated to the Timbers Lounge, where he still stands today.

We were there in 2019.

Mr Lumberjack - Muncie


Name of the Roadside Attraction: Mr Lumberjack - Muncie
Parking:in front
Time required:10 Minutes
Descripton:Mr. Lumberjack is over 19 foot tall
Next town:Muncie, IN
Findable:easy in town
Fee area:no fee
Giftshop: no
Food or drinks: yes (If the Lounge is open)
Kind of attraction: Roadside Attraction
Best time to vistit: all year

   How to find

Address: 2770 W Kilgore Ave, Muncie, IN 47304
Directions: Leave Highway 35 in Muncie, IN. Follw Hwy 32 in to town for 5 miles.
Opening Hours: 24/7
Last visited: September 2019


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