Burma Shave Signs

On the road between Ash Fork and Seligman, the red and white signs are posted on both sides of the road. These signs are beautiful photo opportunities and are reminiscent of the well-known shaving foam brand from 1925. At that time these advertising signs were to be found first in Minnesota. Later everywhere along well-traveled roads all other the states.

Burma Shave Signs

Typically, six consecutive small signs were be posted along the edge of highways, spaced for sequential reading by passing motorists.
The last sign says: BURMA SHAVE.



Name of the Roadside Attraction: Burma Shave Signs
Parking:on the road (be careful)
Time required:2 minutes for each sign
Descripton:Burma Shave was a brand of brushless shaving cream. They advertised with humorous rhyming poems on small sequential highway roadside signs.
Next town:Seligman, AZ/ Ash Fork, AZ
Findable:easy - next to the road
Fee area:no
Giftshop: no
Food or drinks: no
Kind of attraction: Route 66 Landmark /Signs
Best time to vistit: all year

   How to find

Address: On the strech of Rt 66 between Ash Fork and Seligman
Directions: From Flagstaff take historic Rt 66 or I-40 take extit 123 in Ash Fork, head west to Seligman. You have to drive slow to see the signs along the road.
Opening Hours: 24/7
Last visited: September 2014

