Mufflerman - Lumberjack Paul Bunyan

This Paul Bunyan character Muffler Man is standing in front of a Lumber Shop in the town of Crystal Lake, Illinois. He wears the typical outfit, red shirt and blue trousers.

Lumberjack- Crystal Lake, IL

The lumber Shop is private property. Please ask to take some pictures. I don’t know the opening hours of the shop. Better get there from 9-5.



Name of the Roadside Attraction: Mufflerman Lumberjack - Crytsal Lake, IL
Parking:on the road
Time required:10 Minutes
Descripton:This Muffler Man stands on private land in front of a lumber shop.
Next town:Crystal Lake, IL
Findable:in a back yard of the lumber shop
Fee area:no - on the property of a lumber shop
Giftshop: no
Food or drinks: no
Kind of attraction: Muffler Man
Best time to vistit: all year

   How to find

Address: 2316 IL-176, Crystal Lake, IL 60014, USA
Directions: From Chicago take Highway 14 North. Follw the Route to the intersection with Hwy 31. Take 31 North to Crystal Lake, IL. On Hwy 31 take a right on to 176. After a few miles on the left there is a lumbershop. The Muffler Man stands in the backyard.
Opening Hours: 9-5 (Not sure)
Last visited: April 2017

